Pocket Fetal Doppler


Pocket Fetal Doppler

$49.99 $60.00

Enhance Bonding Between You & Your Baby

A thump in your baby's heart is one of the most exciting moments for expectant parents.
Pocket Fetal Doppler allows you to monitor your baby's heartbeat and detect and record the fetal heart rate (FHR). We're always there to care for the wellness of you and your little ones.

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Listening To The Rhythm Of Life During Pregnancy Reduces Anxiety

The fetal heart rate (FHR) varies with gestational age. Starting slowly, the rate increases every day until it stabilizes around the 12th week. Around this gestation period, the heart rate is usually between 120 and 160 beats per minute. A fast or slow heartbeat or irregular beats suggest that your baby may have a heart condition. In order to know whether a fetus is healthy, the fetal heartbeat must be monitored.

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Portable & User-friendly All-in-one Machine

In contrast to traditional fetal dopplers, this device incorporates a host machine and a probe into one unit, making it easier to operate and portable.

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Intelligent Noise Reduction

By using intelligent noise reduction technology, you can reduce background noise, filter out the noise, and enhance the real fetal heart sound.

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